3rd XV "Mavericks"
Sat 30 Sep 2017  ·  Division 5 West
Anselmians RUFC
3rd XV "Mavericks"
Mossley Hill 2
Frustration abounds

Frustration abounds

Tim Woodward1 Oct 2017 - 12:44
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A great game of rugby spoilt

This was an unfortunate day for Maverick rugby. A strong team, good playing conditions, and a good standard of opposition........ so where did it all go wrong .
Well, where to begin.
The game started in a slight drizzle however that did not hinder the tempo of the game . Mossley Hill with their large physical pack and direct running backs attempted to gain a firm grasp on the match. The Mavericks had other ideas though and not only absorbed the pressure but started to dominate around the fringes, where Neil Brookes, Jay Owens and Jack Stopford where testing the tackling abilities of the opposition.
The Gaffer was heard to comment that it looked like we were in for a cracking game . Two equally matched packs and very similar back line ups. A real feast was in store.
The two-ing and fro-ing continued as the score remained a score less draw, both teams cancelling each other out. On the 25th minute, after a great kick by Dom Neville guesting at 15 the Mavericks pack found themselves awarded a penalty in the Mossley Hill red zone. A quick tap and go by Neil Brookes saw ‘the sniper’ fight his way over the try line to score the games first points. 5-0 Mavericks.
The light coating of rain continued and the ground got a little heavier under foot which restricted the handling and running of both sets of backs the game now moved into the forward stage and Mossley Hill began to get the edge in clearing out at the rucks. Following a successful clear out of one of these rucks the Mossley Hill 10 kicked through to The Mavericks 22 metre line where the ever present and ever resourceful Don Neville was there the clear up. With ball in hand Dom was felled by a very good tackle from the MH centre. Whilst on the floor the Mossley Hill centre took control of the ball and stood up made ground and recycled to allow the Mossley Hill pack to go over and score . 5-5 game tied.
It is at this juncture that I raise my disappointment at yesterday’s match. Anyone who knows me will be aware that I regard myself as a fair man. I am respectful of all opposition and officials alike. I am unsure how to proceed as I really do not want to criticise the referee yesterday as without him no match would have been played and thirty five people would have gone without a game of rugby on a Saturday afternoon. The referee was a amicable and chatty individual who created a good rapport with players before the game. My concerns raise in regard to critical decisions that were made that were fundamentally flawed. I appreciate completely that referees are human and make mistakes and cannot see everything that happens on them pitch. I hope I have laid enough groundwork to allow me, as a manager, to express my views. Having played rugby for 41 years I feel I am in a position to have a valued opinion in regard to basic laws of the game .
It was as a result of incorrect decisions that we lost 10 points to the opposition yesterday. I do not mind losing in a fair battle and Mossley Hill may well of beaten us regardless of refereeing intervention . Saying that the first try following the tackle on Dom Neville and the last penalty of the game against Gordon Rogers where MH secured 3 points were both incorrect decisions and had a direct impact on the tempo and atmosphere of the game. Both teams had the same referee obviously, however, to have the game decided as a result of two poor decisions and not as a result of open competitive rugby does not reflect well on the 30+ players who took the field yesterday .
Well played to Mossley Hill who played good rugby and provided excellent opposition both on the field and in the bar. I look forward to our return fixture with baited breath.
Mossley Hill went on to score an additional try which was deserved due to the amount of pressure they put on our defensive line. The final score of 13-5 to Mossley Hill allows us the opportunity to move forward with renewed vigour into next weeks fixture away at Old Parkonians.
Some noticeable performances this week.we welcomed three new additions to The maverick family in Jez, Dereck and Kev who we will hopefully see more of in the weeks to come . In addition Jack Stopford and Tom Redfearn put tireless performances in around the park.
This weeks man of the match goes to Dom Neville, who provided security at the back, and ran well in attack, his kicking allowed us to gain some territory which proved vital in the early stages .
Anyway , apologies for the extended match report , but my cup of frustration raneth over it’s cathartic in the long run to our pen to paper .
Semel a Mavericus Semper a Mavericus

The Gaffer

Match details

Match date

Sat 30 Sep 2017




Division 5 West

League position

Anselmians 3
Mossley Hill 2
Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Lead Club Sponsor - Arrowe Financial Ltd
Club Sponsor - Birkenhead Building & Roofing Supplies
Lead Club Sponsor - HM Legal
Lead Club Sponsor - Propeller Lettings
Club Sponsor - Roofsy
3rd Team Sponsor - SugaRich