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Mavericks Tour 2024

Mavericks Tour 2024

Tim Woodward5 Jun - 10:49
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Another Fine Mess !!!

This year’s Mavericks Tour took place last weekend with the team heading to Doncaster to play Wheatley Hills Rugby Club. As you can imagine it is difficult to provide an insight into such a fabulous weekend without breaching the Number 1 rule of Tour……. If you don’t know what that is then you’ve clearly never toured.
However, I shall of course do my best.
The event started on the Friday morning at 10:00 where all of our tourists, suitably attired and appropriately ‘shaved’, turned up for Beer and Brekkie which was provided by Janahandra and Ruby and really started the day off with a bang. After a few hours the coach was loaded and boarded and the journey began. Numerous stop offs along the way provided the general public with some interesting visual treats as our lads continued their jollies into Motorway Service Stations and random laybys due to a lack of ‘conveniences’ on the bus.
On arrival, our first stop was Doncaster Races, again still in fancy dress, some won, some lost, but everyone had a great time, obviously seriously under the influence of drink our tourists attracted the interest of the horsey fraternity with numerous photo opportunities taken advantage of.
On to our first evening, with our Tour Management Team of Nev Pickard, Chrissy McGowan and Tim Woodward insisting that all fancy dress must be worn all evening. Anyway, all I’ll say is that partying in leathers and chains, Indian costumes and construction worker outfits isn’t as easy as it sounds.
First rule applies from this point………
Anyway, Saturday morning arrives and Tour rule is that all tourists must attend breakfast and the following tour court. Some truly horrendous crimes were punished during the next few hours prior to leaving for the game.
We were hosted this year by the wonderful Wheatley Hills Rugby Club who provided stern opposition and the Mavs went down by 5 points in a high scoring rugby fest of Barbarian, Calypso and on occasions curious style of rugby. The post-match shenanigans were a joy to behold.
Saturday Night came with what can only be described as an assault on the senses, a great night out in a great town. Every single person we came across joined in the spirit and a massive party ensued.
Our Tourists returned to the club via Salford Reds v London Broncos, and a brief appearance on Sky Sports, on The Sunday and have spent the subsequent week recovering and soothing aching heads and aching bones.
The Mavs Tour has always been a great event in our calendar and has never disappointed. Due to the lads who travel, the opposition we play and the thoroughly deviant minds of the organisers.

What’s best is, that we’re doing it all again next year !!!

Further reading